Guts & Grace at Work

Guts & Grace at Work: The Program

An award-winning coaching program for women who lead

Lead by LeeAnn Mallorie, Guts & Grace at Work is a nine-twelve month program for female leaders at any stage in their careers, who are equipped to drive positive change and/or who are at risk of burning out.

Many women are naturally innovative leaders. Yet the stressors of day-to-day leadership can lead to frustration and exhaustion.

Despite rapid advances in female leadership, many women continue to report a variety of challenges that are not adequately addressed by traditional leadership programs, including fear of failed work life balance, incessant worrying, stifled voice, lack of confidence & self-doubt. This can cause women to hold back from pursuing high-impact leadership roles, and can lead to burnout. But it doesn't have to be this way.

For more details on this unique program, download our brochure or schedule a program consultation.

Let's talk
of program grads would recommend the program to a friend or colleague
of program grads increased their ability to lead through direct and indirect influence
of program grads increased their resilience and improved their work-life balance
of program grads increased their capacity to collaborate effectively with others
Activate one of your organization’s most precious and untapped resources—high potential women leaders.

Research shows...

...the number of women in senior leadership positions has only risen an average of just 2% in the past 10 years. Meanwhile, thousands of women leave the workforce each year.

...nearly 70% of all working women are failing in their efforts to lead a healthy life. This leads to resentment, underperformance and burnout.

These statistics have been shown to hold true even in many companies with flourishing women’s networks.

Strategies like annual conferences, lunch-and-learns, and social events are not enough to change the tide.

$1.5 Million
That's the estimated cost of hiring 10 high-potential women, underutilizing them, and finally losing them to stay-at-home-motherhood, alternative careers and your competitors.
Improve your bottom line—invest in your female leaders.
Capitalizing on innovative, high potential women leaders makes good business sense.
of program grads receive a significant promotion within 6 months
By selecting key female influencers and supporting them to “be the change” by embodying the change they wish to see, these leaders naturally become beacons and mentors to their colleagues.  

create a company wide impact

Focused personal development leads to company wide impact. But only if it is effective.

Most leadership and business mentorship programs fall short in their attempt to advance women in leadership as they only focus on two areas: skills training and diversity training. This approach leaves out a critical third component: embodied transformation.

Embodied transformation is a cellular-level shift in both mindset and habitual behavior. This is THE key to visible progress and lasting results. 

Guts & Grace at Work doesn't stop at individual leadership. It is designed to ignite innovation and spark meaningful culture change across your entire workforce.

Guts & Grace at Work: Coaching Program

Guts and Grace is one of the only programs on the market that fully addresses the intersection of well-being and leadership, using cutting-edge tools based in positive psychology, mindfulness and neuroscience. You can learn more about our methodology here.

Navigating the tension between well-being and leadership is a critical dance which can make or break women's success. Women who cannot meet this challenge, will not advance.

We address the four habits that build a solid foundation for leadership expansion:
  • Embodiment
  • Empowerment
  • Activation
  • Inspiration

For more details on this unique program, download our brochure.

Let's talk

Bring Guts & Grace at Work to your organization and unlock the potential of your female leaders.

Impact & Case Studies


Susie, a senior executive at a large government organization, took the initiative to bring Guts and Grace to her organization. Susie sponsored the program, and participated in the first cohort herself. After a few initial roadblocks where cleared, Susie went on to win the Admiral’s EEO Award for the impact she made on the diversity and inclusion efforts company-wide.


Ashley, a top performer and young mom, was humble and burned out. At the start of the program she described herself as “maxed out” in her motivation to lead. By the end of six months, Ashley took on a new role that nearly doubled the size of her team and significantly amplified her organizational impact.

Impactful communication, how to listen to my intuition, and how to take better care of myself physically and emotionally...I am MUCH more competent as a leader and much more skilled as compared to my peers having worked with LeeAnn.
Nora, Administrative Vice President, Financial Services
Outwardly, I would have been considered successful. However, I was struggling inside. LeeAnn's support and guidance helped me see how my actions were getting me exactly what I didn’t want. Now I am more centered than ever, with more joy in my life.
Danielle, Interim Executive Director, Education Non-Profit
I was a top performer, a young mom and burned out. I was maxed out in motivation to lead. Inspired by working with LeeAnn, I was able to take on a new role that nearly doubled the size of my team and significantly amplified her organizational impact.
Melony Swasey, Real Estate Agent, Unlimited Sotheby's International Realty
“The world will be saved by the Western woman.”
 Dalai Lama

About LeeAnn

LeeAnn Mallorie, MAPP, is the founder and CEO of Guts & Grace and sister firm Leading in Motion. She has been helping leaders face bottomline challenges and combat meaning depletion and burnout since 2005, using mindfulness and embodiment tools.

LeeAnn partners with founders, executives, directors of people development, innovation team leaders, and internal women’s organizations to bring Guts & Grace at Work to a wide variety of industries. Her leadership curriculum offers a concrete, actionable doorway to greater power, resilience, influence, ethics and impact.

“Annual conferences, lunch-and-learns, and social events are not enough to unlock the potential of your female leaders. Focused professional development leads to significant improvements to individual leadership and to the overall bottom line.”
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